Thursday 17 April 2014

Ambleside to Grasmere

This walk over Loughrigg Fell takes in some quintessential Lakeland terrain and scenery without being too lengthy or taxing; I never tire of this view of Grasmere looking roughly North, with Helm Crag/the Lion and the Lamb, in the background:


A nice half day's walk to Grasmere heads for the Miller Howe Cafe, a favourite for a late breakfast, lunch or tea. The village itself is not a favourite though, and I can't quite say why. Maybe it's that the tourist business here is much more hotel-focused, and those staying in hotels seem to stay in those hotels leaving the village quite empty in the evenings. It's not that Ambleside has a hugely vibrant nightlife, but there are lots of people out and about which creates a good atmosphere.

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