Wednesday 24 April 2013

Wind and rain

On a very very brief walk today between appointments, I noticed that the breeze was quite strong yet also quite warm. As windy weather is one of my least favourite kinds, I was slightly surprised by how pleasant it was. A vague thought about a Southerly wind crossed my mind - very vague, as Geography was one my least favourite subjects at school. I got out my phone and checked the compass - sure enough, a Southerly or maybe South Westerly breeze.

I know the photo is less than informative about the wind direction (just pleased I remembered how to take it) but it was coming from the arrow bottom left, more or less. The Met Office site agreed. So I learnt something about wind direction, but I also realise how little I understand about the weather generally. I mean, why doesn't it rain when the clouds look pretty grey and threatening? An online search suggests these are stratus, low level clouds which may produce drizzle; fog is ground level stratus cloud, apparently.

I don't believe the old wives' tale about cows lying down if rain is imminent - these ones mostly are but it certainly didn't rain today anyway. I think I need to get to grips with the meaning of different types of clouds to be properly knowledgable about the outdoors.

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