Monday 20 May 2013

Amazing birdsong at dusk

On a circular walk ending back at the little nature reserve, the dusk birdsong was magnificent. I especially noticed blackbirds which were both visible and audible, very decent of them to help out such a poor identifier of birdsong as me. My mother on the other hand has a great ear and can pick out lots of different birds by their song. She refers to it as the 'triple throated blackbird' which apparently describes its ability to sing three notes at once, as singers in some Asian countries do. It's not a term I've heard anywhere else and a web search draws a blank too. Has anyone else come across it?

Tweet of the DayThis reminds me that a friend mentioned a new BBC podcast of birdsong, appropriately called 'Tweet of the Day', and makes me resolve to listen to it so I can brush up my skills. Click here to visit the page if you fancy investigating the song of the shag, the Dartford Warbler or the Grey heron.

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