Friday 23 August 2013

A taste of the outdoors when it seems far away

Sometimes there are days on end when it seems hard to find time for being outdoors. Although lately I've spent a fair bit of time outside juggling various forms of accommodation to try and optimise the living quarters of two new rabbits, as well as watching 'rabbit TV' - it's fascinating to observe their behaviours. They're so curious and lively, it's inconceivable that so many 'pet' rabbits get left to languish alone in small hutches. The RSPCA and Rabbit Welfare Association are working to educate owners and potential owners about why 'A hutch is not enough', and a very good thing too. Purpose built year-round quarters for these two are under construction and will make things rather easier.

But outdoor inspiration and vicarious pleasure has come in the form of Richard Askwith's book, Feet in the Clouds, a combined account of his own affair with fell running and the history of the sport.  I now know that I am not cut out to be a proper fell runner, my pain barrier is not high enough!

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