Saturday 3 August 2013

Close up and personal at Arley Hall

In the glorious gardens at Arley Hall in Cheshire, so many of the plants are magnets for bees and butterflies. For once I can post photos which don't require you to use your imagination to work out which insect is featured. This one is, of course, a Peacock:

 The butterflies were pretty obliging and sat still on this flower whilst I got them in shot and in focus. I think this is a small tortoiseshell:
And the high point for me was these little chaps under the eaves, cheeping away as their hard working parents circled round picking up insects to feed them. I think they're House Martins; they have no red on their chins so they're not swallows, and the RSPB website says that if you can see the nest, it's not a family of swifts. Thank goodness for a 10x optical zoom.

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